Robin Brady
1. How old were you when you began dancing and where did you dance? I started dancing when i was 3 years old at Penticton School of Dance. Danced there shortly and then went to another dance studio called Kimberly Hall. After that I was was asked to come to Okanagan Dance Studio's where I trained competitively and finished my training until grade 12.
2. What is your role with Femme Fatale? My position with Femme is a Choreographer/Instructor.
3. When you aren’t shaking your booty in Femme, what is your favourite style of dance? My other favorite styles of dance are contemporary/lyrical and ballet.
4. If you could be any animal what would you be and why? If I could be any animal I would choose a cat life for sure! Sleeps...Snugs....Snacks....
5. Would you rather eat only your favorite food for the rest of your life or never eat it again? If I had to eat my favorite food for the rest of my life or never eat it again I would probably choose to never eat it again...
6. What is your favorite song to dance to? My favorite song to dance to is a hard question! I have a few. Old school Michael Jackson- Ain't No Sunshine, Etta James- At last and I'd rather go blind, Hozier-From Eden orrrr Steve Aoki- Freak,Christina Aguilera- Dirty.
7. What is your most embarrassing moment on stage? My most embarrassing moment on stage would have to be in my first show performing with Army of Sass and we ended up having a costume change for almost every number and one o the costumes a a mesh "V" cut out bodysuit. I put it on backwards and one of the girls luckily noticed so I ripped it off and changed it the very last second before we walked out onto the stage and as I got into my pose someone from the front row yelled 'NICE NIPPP" My boob didn't really make it all the way into the bodysuit.... FML!
8. What is your favorite Femme Fatale memory? My favorite Femme memory would have to be my first class last week! How welcome I felt as soon as I got to meet everyone, and everyone made me feel like i fit right in.
9. When you’re not dancing what are you doing? When I'm not dancing I'm working at one of my other 3 jobs! Or making lesson plans for the next dance project that may come up. Otherwise I'm enjoying yummy food and drinks with my friends. Or snuggles with my kitty Mila.
10. Why have you chosen to dance with Femme Fatale Dance? I have not felt inspired, sexy, wanted or creative in the dance world for the last couple of years. I have been feeling pretty down on myself and have dealt with so many extreme life changes. When i was asked if I had any interest in teaching I was sitting on the couch with my mom and I actually couldn't believe that i had been asked! I immediately got nervous and doubted myself but shorty after I thought no way.... I can do this and i would'n't have been asked if you didn't think i was right for the job. A new group, with new women, in a new city sounds like a wonderful start to something I can look forward to for myself.

Sydney Hansel
1) Describe yourself in 3 words:
Fun, creative & Loud
2) Tell us about your dance background:
I started my dance journey at 3 years old in the Okanagan. I immediately loved all genres of dance, but primarily focused on ballet & jazz in my youth. I completed many Adapt Jazz Exams, Finished all of my RAD Ballet exams, travelled to dance conventions & travelled to many dance competitions until I graduated! After high school I began teaching in dance schools locally & still performed in dance groups as well. I opened my own studio in 2017 to create a space for all kinds of dance for all ages. I loved to dance in heels before this but I found my love for teaching heels this way. I now get to do this all the time & love every minute of it!
3) How did you first get involved with Femme Fatale?
I started taking workshops that Femme was offering in Kelowna! I loved the instructors they brought to Kelowna & the great classes they held!
4) What’s your favourite thing about teaching?
My favourite thing about teaching is watching people evolve & grow as dancers!! I love to see any dancer challenge themselves and thrive ! Nurturing & building confidence in students (younger or older) is a big goal in my classes. To see it happen is the most rewarding feeling for myself but most importantly for anyone who takes my classes.
5) Outside of Femme Fatale, what do you do?
I manage a Dance studio down in Osoyoos, teaching all levels & ages! I also work in my family’s business doing book keeping & secretary work!
6) Favorite song to dance in your heels to:
Oooooof, this is a hard one. I love all kinds of music, it really depends on my mood. But I can always get down to anything classic rock!
7) What are your hobbies or interests?
Other then dancing, I enjoy any kind of adventure outside, drinking wine or spending time with my friends!
8) If you could spend the day with one person, dead or alive who would if be and why?
If I could spend a day with one person, I would choose to have a day with Galen Hooks!! I would love to have a day to pick her brain & learn from her!
9) Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by so many amazing people in my life. My mom though, is someone who really inspires me. She is the epitome of living life to the fullest without a care in the world. She inspires me to be just as creative & free as she is. I still to this day run my dance & music ideas by her to see if she likes it first!
10) What would you like to say to all the incredible dancers who are new to Femme this session?
Enjoy the moment & soak it all in! We don’t often get time to do things for ourselves & I find dance can be the most stress free & empowering activity to be in. Going into class can feel overwhelming & intimidating but the babes at Femme truly create the most supportive environment in & out of classes! Take in all the gooooood vibes & have fun!

Kristi Field
1) Describe yourself in 3 words: I would describe myself as compassionate, silly and a mom :)
2) Tell us about your dance background: I have been in some form of dance or gymnastics for as long as I can remember. I was a competitive gymnast for 7 years and have trained in ballet, jazz, modern, acro and hip hop.
3) How did you first get involved with Femme Fatale?I first got involved with Femme through Tina. I have known her since high school and she repeatedly sent me messages telling me to come try this “sexy dance” class she was doing. I was stubborn and said “absolutely not” multiple times until I finally gave in, tried a drop in, and registered the next session on the spot. I am now in my 10th season with Femme (I missed the first 2 and was on maternity leave for our One Hit Wonders show) and its become something I look forward to every week!
4) Most memorable or embarrassing moment in Femme: I used to say my most embarrassing moment in Femme was when my front closure bra broke on stage while I was front and centre, but thankfully we were wearing oversized white collared shirts so I stayed pretty covered. Now I would say my most memorable moment in Femme was dancing on stage at 24 weeks pregnant - it was so empowering!
5) Outside of Femme Fatale, what do you do? Right now I am on maternity leave with my 9 month old son, but outside of Femme I am a social worker and addictions counsellor for young teens in the community.
6) Favourite song to dance in your heels to: Oh man, picking one song that is my favourite is hard! I would have to say my favourite song to dance in my heels to would have to be “Muse” by OCAD. We did our Wonder Woman number in our Cinema show to that song, and even after a couple years I can still remember the whole dance. It was SO good.
7) What are your hobbies or interests? Outside of dance, I love to bike, paddle board, go to the beach or hike, draw and paint. That is when I have time - life with a baby is busy!
8) If you could spend the day with one person, dead or alive who would if be and why? If I could spend the day with one person, dead or alive, I would choose my brother who passed away suddenly 10 years ago. I wish I could spend the day with him to share stories, have him meet his nephew and just laugh together.
9) Who or what inspires you? All the people in the world who are spreading kindness, and advocating for equality and acceptance for all people inspire me - especially Ellen Degeneres. I love supporting local groups that support our LGBTQ+ community or finding ways to improve our homelessness issue. Also, all the innovative and cool things happening around sustainability are incredible!
10) What would you like to say to all the incredible dancers who are new to Femme Fatale this session? Welcome to a strong, tight knit, no BS, supportive femme-ily! I am honoured to share the stage with women (and men) who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and honour their sexuality! Welcome aboard and I can’t wait to dance with you :)

Jessica Varga
1. How old were you when you started dancing and where did you dance? I started dancing when I was about 5 years old. It was a ballet and tap class at a place called World of Music in Kamloops. Growing up I took pretty much everything: jazz, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, pointe, musical theatre, etc. After I graduated I went to U of C to get a degree in contemporary dance. I ended up switching my major and decided I wanted to pursue dancing outside of university, which is how, after moving to Kelowna, I found Femme!
2. What is your role with Femme? I am the city leader for Femme in Kamloops. I moved back here about a year ago and Tina asked me to help her expand Femme by starting it up in Kamloops, and I seriously couldn't be more excited. There really is not much for adult dance opportunities here and especially not in this style, so I figured why not start it myself? And Femme gave me the perfect opportunity to do just that!
3. When you aren't shaking your booty in Femme, what is your favourite style of dance?
I'm a contemporary dancer at heart. I went to U of C to study contemporary dance and it is the most natural movement on my body.
4. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? I've actually thought about this question a few times. I definitely think I would be a predator. Probably a lion, because the females take matters into their own hands. They are powerful, care deeply for their young, and are in charge of providing for the pride by being the primary hunters.
5. Would you rather only eat your favorite food for the rest of your life or never eat it again?
My palette is constantly changing and what I loved last year might be different this year, so I probably would say never again, because I enjoy tasting new flavours and experiencing new sensations.
6. What is your favorite song to dance to?
Deep down I am a blues girl. I feel those chords deep in my soul. Anything with that sultry, sexy, take your clothes of beat is what I love to get down to!
7. What is your most embarrassing moment on stage? My most embarrassing moment happened when I was still dancing at a studio in my grade 12 year. We were at competition and I screwed up our jazz group dance completely, which was something I had never done before. Afterwards a guy I was seeing surprised me by having gone to the performance. I was mortified that he saw me screw up! I ended up ending things right then and there with him!
8. What is your favorite Femme memory? I think I would have to say it was dancing in the first ever Yonce show. There were only 9 of us at the beginning and it felt very grassroots in a way. I knew this was something special and after performing I was on such a high! I had never felt more confident and sexy. It really is addictive!
9. When you're not dancing what are you doing? I am a grade 3/4 teacher and dance specialist at an arts school. So my life is pretty much dedicated to that right now, but in the few other moments I have, I love to work in my veggie garden, play with my puppy, and spend quality time with my fiance.
10. Why have you chosen to dance with Femme Fatale? Femme Fatale was where it all started for me. I was in a place where I wasn't confident in my own body. I was still discovering who I was and what it meant to be a confident, strong, and sexy woman. Femme is not only a heels dance program, it ends up flowing over into your everyday life. I think right now is a time for women to empower other women, so why not do it by expressing yourself in a sensual way and by discovering the true power of your sexuality as a woman! Femme offers that and so much more.

Simonne Kraiger
1) Describe yourself in 3 words:
Loud, loving and creative.
2) Tell us about your dance background:
I started dancing at a wee age as my mom put me in ballet and I quickly fell in love. At the age of 10, I started to become more competitive and my vision of dance changed as I was introduced to Hip Hop. I attended a very well known Hip Hop studio in Vancouver, where we opened for America's Best Dance Crew and started to take over the scene competition by competition. From the age of 15-18, I was dancing 5 days a week, about 4 hours a day. After graduation, I moved up to Whitehorse, where I taught Jazz & Hip Hop at a studio - but I decided after four years, I wanted to learn more. I applied to be in a training program in Sweden and I was the only North American who was accepted. The 10 month program truly changed me as a dancer, choreographer and instructor. It was an amazing time of my life, learning from some of the best in the industry along side 12 other peers. After moving back to Vancouver after school, my boyfriend and I made the move up to Kelowna - I currently teach at 3 amazing studios. I've been dancing for 25+ years, and I can not think of doing anything else.
3) How did you first get involved with Femme Fatale?
A coworker of mine at the time was actually apart of Femme Fatale and she would tell me about it all the time! A couple of months later, Tina was looking for a hiphop instructor, and here we are!
4) Most memorable or embarrassing moment in Femme:
I am not sure if I can pin point one moment. For my most memorable - is honestly just watching all the babes enjoy my choreography. Dancing it with their full heart and smiling from ear to ear. For my most embarrassing, I feel like theres a lot of little things I do in class that are just odd or off and sometimes the whole class gets a good giggle (I am not the most flexible) I am sure my embarrassing memory will come up soon.
5) Outside of Femme Fatale, what do you do?
Surprise, Surprise ... I am a dance teacher. I work at a couple of local dance studios and as well with The City of Kelowna. With The City of Kelowna I am a divers abilities instructor (working with people who have different disabilities) - probably the most rewarding classes I teach.
6) Favorite song to dance in your heels to:
Oh god, I am not even sure how to answer this. To be quite honest, I feel like it changes from day to day. I would say a good sultry R&B song would probably hit the spot, but then I could also rock out to some ABBA.
7) What are your hobbies or interests?
Anything outdoors! Snowboarding, hiking, kayaking, biking ... all of that good stuff. I love a good yoga class/meditation as well. A random fact about me, is I LOVE TINY HOUSES, AND HOPE TO BUILD ONE ONEDAY.
8) If you could spend the day with one person, dead or alive who would if be and why?
Stevie Nicks - god damn. I love her, for so many reasons. I just feel like when I hear her sing and watch her perform that I would love to embody her carefree personality. Also, if I could play in her closet from the 70's I would be in heaven.
9) Who or what inspires you?
There are so many people that I am surrounded by that inspire me for different reasons. I am lucky to be surrounded by so many rad individuals who help me grow as a person every single day.
10) What would you like to say to all the incredible dancers who are new to Femme this session?
Thank yourself for signing up, showing up and being present. There are so many rad babes that are here to support you and watch you grow. The feeling you will get from coming to class, strapping on some heels and dancing is going to be amazing! Remember take it day by day and be gentle to yourself.

Marlee Albrecht
1) Describe yourself in 3 words: cheerful, uplifting, optimistic
2) Tell us about your dance background: I've been dancing my entire life - mostly Ballet, Jazz and Modern but a bit of Hip Hop, Lyrical and Contemporary mixed in there. I started off at the Kelowna Dance Academy when I was 3 and then moved to Creator's Arts Centre (CAC) at age 11. It was there that I completed my RAD ballet examinations and had some incredible instructors that cared just as much about investing in my character as they did my dance abilities. After high school, I taught ballet and jazz for a time at CAC before travelling to Switzerland and training there. When I returned, I took classes here and there but had a hard time finding classes that were challenging enough for adult dancers, until I found Femme!
3) How did you first get involved with Femme Fatale? My husband's good friend started dating Tina and invited him and I to her first Femme show, "Yonce" in 2014! I fell inlove immediately but never thought I could be one of the girls dancing up there so confidently! It only took one more show for Tina and Kyle (her now husband!) to convince me to join!
4) Most memorable or embarrassing moment in Femme: Most embarrassing is probably any time I attempt to make my booty shake on stage. Still holding out hope that skill will come to me magically..
5) Outside of Femme Fatale, what do you do? Outside of Femme, I am a Registered Nurse at KGH. But I also love taking dance classes of all kinds wherever and whenever I can! Most of all, I just spend a lot of time with my dog, Robbie.
6) Favourite song to dance in your heels to: Anything by Bishop Briggs.
7) What are your hobbies or interests? Haha, DANCE! But I also love to read, explore anywhere, drink wine, and spend time with my people.
8) If you could spend the day with one person, dead or alive who would if be and why? Jesus - who doesn't haven't a lot of questions for him?
9) Who or what inspires you? Ugh, so many people. I have incredible humans around me that inspire me to be better, think bigger, be braver and love more all the time. Most of all though, the beauty, courage and strength of a person who is vulnerable and humble inspires me!
10) What would you like to say to all the incredible dancers who are new to Femme this session? Give yourself grace, and have patience. You've done the most wonderful thing for yourself (and others) by having courage and showing up. Let whatever happens from there just be fueled by joy and be amazed by what comes from that!